Greening the Sahel - Land Restoration in West Africa: Conversations with Henri Girard (English Edition) Versión Kindle

[Greening the Sahel - Land Restoration in West Africa: Conversations with Henri Girard (English Edition) Versión Kindle biblioteca epub gratuita de Frédéric Baudin. Descargue el libro Greening the Sahel - Land Restoration in West Africa: Conversations with Henri Girard (English Edition) Versión Kindle de Frédéric Baudin en formato del libro PDF gratis de la biblioteca epub gratuita. libros digitales gratuitos para descargar Greening the Sahel - Land Restoration in West Africa: Conversations with Henri Girard (English Edition) Versión Kindle de Frédéric Baudin] Greening the Sahel - Land Restoration in West Africa: Conversations with Henri Girard (English Edition) Versión Kindle leer online Frédéric Baudin libros famosos
- Título del libro : Greening the Sahel - Land Restoration in West Africa: Conversations with Henri Girard (English Edition) Versión Kindle de Frédéric Baudin
- Nombre del archivo: greening-the-sahel-land-restoration-in-west-africa-conversations-with-henri-girard-english-edition-versión-kindle.pdf
- Fecha de publicación: CEM
- Nombre del archivo: 167 páginas pages
- Autor: Frédéric Baudin
Moyenne des commentaires client :4.7 estrellas de 5 de 0 Lectores
Nombre del archivo : greening-the-sahel-land-restoration-in-west-africa-conversations-with-henri-girard-english-edition-versión-kindle.pdf
La Tamaño del archivo : 19.92 MB
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Greening the Sahel - Land Restoration in West Africa: Conversations with Henri Girard (English Edition) Versión Kindle - A better life in Africa through the practice of sustainable agriculture! Since the 1990s, Henri Girard and his agricultural team have proposed an effective solution for regreening the desert in the Sahel in West Africa. They have developed a bocage system with fields protected by hedges and dams. This particular agricultural technique allows the soil to be revitalized by retaining water from the summer rains and without using pesticides. This project has produced excellent results: on average crop yields have tripled. In a land where malnutrition is a very real threat, the families who cultivate these fields are properly nourished and their situation continues to improve.Many new farms have been created and this project continues to spread throughout this region and beyond. These interviews with Henri Girard, president of Terre Verte, allow one to discover this extraordinary adventure that has changed the lives of thousands of inhabitants in these African villages. It is now possible to practice a sustainable agriculture and regreen the desert!The author, Frédéric Baudin, executive director of the association Culture-Environment-Media (CEM), is writer and lecturer. He has university degrees in ecology, modern literature and theology (Sorbonne-Panthéon, Paris; Faculty of Sciences St-Jerome, Marseille; Faculty of Arts and Faculté Jean Calvin, Aix-en-Provence). He is the author of a dozen scholarly and creative works, most notably La Bible et l’écologie (The Bible and Ecology); D’un jardin à l’Autre (From One Garden to Another); En quête de l’infime (In Quest of the Infinitesimal, novel, winner of the Protestant Author’s Prize); Mon oncle Salomon, Apologie de Qohélet (My Uncle Solomon: Apology of Koheleth, loosely based on the book of Ecclesiastes), and Wégoubri, un bocage au Sahel (Greening the Desert - Land Restoration in West Africa : Conversations with Henri Girard).
Categorías : eBooks idiomas extranjeros, Agricultura tropical, Agricultura y ganadería en inglés, Ciencia y producción agrícola
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